Working windmill model
Want to make a beautiful wind turbine model for your home or school project?
Visit the page to see step by step instructions on How to Prepare a Working Model of a Windmill Using PVC Pipes.
Build a simple DC motor
Learn to make your first DC motor using a battery, magnet, copper wire and some easily available components.

DIY Smartphone projector
Make your own smartphone projector using a shoe-box and magnifying glass easily available on stationary shop.
Simple Electric Generator
Want to make a simple Electricity generator? Visit the page to know all about ‘How to make a electric generator’

Simple Homopolar Motor
This simple motor is a great beginner project for young makers! Its a great way to learn about electricity, magnetism and circular motion.
Paper windmill
Building a working scale-model of a windmill is a great craft project for school or just for fun! Create a basic pinwheel model, assemble a tin can windmill, or build a windmill with a milk jug base!

Motor Generator LED Experiment
Learn to make a Motor-Generator set to generate electricity using very simple components.
Making a Potato Battery
Did you know? you can use potatoes or lemons to make a battery to glow an LED.

How to control robotic arm
Visit the page to learn to control a DC robotic arm using 4 DPDT switches and 1 9v Battery.
Line following robot
Read instructions on How to make line following robot without microcontroller. This project is based on IR sensors and motor driver so doesn’t require any programming.

Control Servo robotic arm
Learn to control 4 servo of Servo robotic arm using 4 potentiometer (Variable resistors). The tutorial includes connection diagram, Arduino coding and step by step instructions.
Water level alarm
Watch a video tutorial on how to make a simple water level indicator alarm. You just need a buzzer and 9v battery with some other basic components available on your study table.

Electric generator full project
Watch a video to make electric generator for your school project or hobby project.